May 4th, 2010

DimeSports Owner Sent to Prison

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

Robert Braddy, who fantasy folks might recognize as the creator and owner of DimeSports, was sentenced to 2.5 years in federal prison Monday for tax evasion.

The 39-year-old was found guilty in federal court of hiding more than $1 million of income, according to a statement released by U.S. District Attorney in Atlanta Sally Quillian Yates.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution writeup makes no mention of his fantasy sports exploits, but we know that Braddy’s fraudulent exploits haven’t been limited to his tax forms. Just last year a U.S. District Court in Georgia ruled in favor of a fantasy player who sued Braddy for $200,000 over fraud in DimeSports contests. That story brought to light the fact that Braddy admitted his system allowing a relative to cheat en route to winning.

Beyond his prison sentence, Braddy will face three years of “supervised release” and must pay $306,906 in restitution. (Perhaps his cousin can win Braddy enough to cover that.), by the way, is no longer active.

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Tuesday, May 4th, 2010 announced last week via e-mail to its users that it won’t be returning its League Manager fantasy platform in 2010.

The message, which went out last Wednesday, alerted fantasy players that their 2009 league and team info would be transferred to for the upcoming season and beyond. The note read:

“Please be advised that as of May 29, 2010 (the “Transfer Date”), in connection with a transaction between NFL Enterprises LLC (the “NFL”) and CBS Interactive Inc. (”CBS Interactive”), the NFL is going to transfer all of the League Manager League(s) (the “NFL League Manager League(s)”) in existence as of the Transfer Date to CBS Interactive Inc., owner and operator of Fantasy Football Commissioner. As of the Transfer Date, CBS Interactive will convert all NFL League Manager League(s) to Fantasy Football Commissioner league(s) and you will continue to be able to participate in your existing NFL League Manager League(s) as part of the Fantasy Football Commissioner game for the 2010 NFL season without interruption.”

CBS had been running’s game anyway, so the transition shouldn’t present any problems in game operations. The biggest question for transferred users is whether they’ll have to pay for the coming season.’s platform was free, whereas CBS Sports charges for league hosting. has yet to  get an answer to that question.

Of course, the underlying question here is what caused the split between and CBS. Neither side has yet provided comment to that end.

What we do know is that will soon be rolling out a new fantasy game. Users can “pre-register” now to receive updates on the launch, but the site isn’t providing any details just yet. will update this story as more information becomes available.
