June 21st, 2010

FSB Daily 6/21: Bloomberg, Razzball, Value of a Fan

Monday, June 21st, 2010

A roundup of items recently posted on the FSB News page.

- In this transcript from an interview on Moneyweb podcast, Bloomberg Sports head Bill Squadron speaks of the growth potential Bloomberg saw in the fantasy sports field and the role that played in developing its new sports-themed products. Squadron also says that the company plans to expand beyond baseball but has yet to nail down which sport will come next. That would seem to indicate no offerings for the upcoming NFL season, which will open in less than three months.

- Braves infielder Eric Hinske is not only a fantasy player, but apparently a fairly avid one. He informed Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan before Wednesday night’s game that the Falcons quarterback appeared on three of Hinske’s fantasy teams in 2009.

- Just to prove that pretty much everyone has an iPhone app at this point, fantasy content site Razzball has launched theirs. (Oh, come on. I’m joking. “Razz” is right there in the name.)

- According to this eMarketer report, a consumer that is a Facebook fan of your brand is likely to spend twice as much as one who is not a fan. The real value of a Facebook fan, however, is tough to nail down and will vary by that person’s activity level.

- Checking back in on Dreamstreet Golf, the startup fantasy game site that we mentioned on here about a month ago, it looks like the contest still has yet to launch. The just-completed U.S. Open had been the targeted first tournament, but anyone who has tried to put on an online game probably knows just how easy it can be to miss even the most realistic targets.

- Are you a sports uber fan? In her writeups of the recent Sports Marketing 2.0 VIP Summit, the OCD Chick mentioned Yahoo! Sports’ Kyle Laughlin classifying sports fans in the “casual,” “everyday” and “uber” categories. The qualifications for “uber” tend to match up with the most engaged and serious fantasy players. Yahoo!’s challenge/goal is to convert fans in the other two groups into engaged fantasy players.

Send all of your news, job postings, stories and profile ideas to FantasySportsBusiness@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter (FSBcom).
